Manuel Lemos wrote:

> > > Read back again.  I mentioned needless range checking that contribute
> > > for Java speed loss and for some reason you skipped over that. You may

> >Did YOU ever compare C++ vs. Java? Or Visual Basic vs. Java? Or something

> Do I need to compare to tell you that the overhead of range checking
> exists?

Of course there is some overhead when you do range checking. But if the
language doesn't do it for you, you probably want to do it yourself.

And yes, if you implement such checks yourself, your code can run
quicker than when you use a more generic implementation if you're an
expert in this field (I agree that this example is rather trivial, so
most of the time you can do it more efficiently yourself). On the other
hand, if you have to do it yourself, you will have to write more code,
meaning you're less productive. In a commercial environment, there will
be a real chance that you'll simply skip the checks because of time

..oke, this has nothing to do with speed loss, but I'm trying to make a
point that speed isn't everything.

Greetings, Marcel


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