On Oct 24, 2009, at 2:50 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:

Callbacks are handled by the method dispatcher so all method names are
valid (so don't bother trying to list them in the docs :)

Plus the two special cases for connect_cached: 'connect_cached.new' and 'connect_cached.reused'. (There's also '*' but that's not really recommended.)



p.s. Might be worth skimming through the archives

Thanks. Following up on [this post](http://markmail.org/message/fus3dfauxs6yz6sv ), I wrote this code:

    my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=bric', '', '', {
        Callbacks => {
            execute => sub { print "Set in DBH\n"; return; }

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT id FROM pref WHERE name = ?');
#    $sth->{Callbacks}{execute} = sub { print "Set in STH\n"; return; };
    $sth->execute('Time Zone');

It output nothing. When I uncommented that second-to-last line, it output "Set in STH". So it seems that a callback added to the dbh for a statement method name does not end up getting passed on to the statement handle. So I guess the Callbacks attribute is not passed on to statement handles created for the database handle? Seems a shame…



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