On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 09:57:38 -0500, John Siracusa wrote:

Hi Folks

> As one earlier post said, the simplest solution is to accept a
> hashref instead of a string as the DSN argument to connect()

Well, this idea has been kicked around a bit, so I suggest it's time to do 
something concrete.

Is there an on-line doc specifying all possible parameters within a DSN for 
each and every database supported by DBI?

If not, then I volunteer to maintain a HTML table (of some sort) 
cross-tabulating database (vendors) against connection string options.

Note that the effect of this is that one row, say, for a vendor would represent 
a hash, in that the column headings would be the key and the table entry would 
be the value. This means the doc would store the info as a hash, but that does 
not imply any implementation had to use a hash, although I suspect that's where 
we're headed.

To build it, please email me privately samples or, at worse, references to docs 
per vendor.

I'm planning on not (that's not) focusing primarily on abbreviated versions of 
DSNs, but rather on the full versions, with abbreviations listed separately. 
Here, I'm thinking of something like
"database=mydb" 'v' just "mydb"
say, within in the DSN, if such a choice is supported by a driver.

I don't mind listing the alternatives, but I'm aiming for clarity in the doc, 
not terseness. It can then become a reference for beginners, and for me too. 
And yes, I do see the problem of a doc separate from the docs per driver. Such 
is life.

Also, in case I need to read msgs from the mail archives (shudder), where do 
you go for archived mail on this list? Here's what I have recorded as sources 
of same:

1 http://www.rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de/mailing-lists/dbi/

2 http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/dbi/

3 http://xmlproj.com/fom-serve/cache/68.html

Is xmlproj still sick?

4 http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=perl.dbi.users

although I can't remember the last time I tried to use any of these references.

Please tell me your preferences.
Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/12/2004

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