On your execution without a bound value, are you actually looking for rows
where the empno column is null? If so, try this:

instead of
my @bind1 = ();
my @bind1 = (undef);

Otherwise, what exactly are you  looking for?

Actually, even that may not get you the null rows now that I think about it,
because null=null is false as far as Oracle is considered. You may have to
do something like this:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{select ename from emp  where empno = ? or (empno
is null and ? is null)})
         or die "Can't prepare statement: $DBI::errstr";
and then pass in your values twice (or switch to named variables).

On 5/10/07, ramesh thangamani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried your suggestion, but still getting the same result. When i tried
printing $rc in my old code i get '0E0' which means success.

John Scoles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       well this is your problem

my $rc = $sth->execute(@bind) or die "Can't  execute statement:

You are expecting statement handle  "$sth"  to return a recordset into $rc
when it calls the execute  method.  It does not work like that.

try this

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{select ename from  emp  where empno = ?})
          or die "Can't prepare  statement: $DBI::errstr";

@bind = (7902);

$sth->execute(@bind) or die "Can't execute  statement: $DBI::errstr";

while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref() )  {
print Dumper $row;

my @bind1 = ();

$sth->execute(@bind1) or die "Can't execute  statement: $DBI::errstr";

while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref() )  {
print Dumper $row;

In your old code try printing out the value of $rc  you might see the
error code there.

You code is working correctly as it is written by  the way.
You get the same results for the second execute  because the record buffer
in the statment handle is not cleaned out because no  execute took place.

    ----- Original Message -----
   From:    ramesh thangamani
   To: John Scoles ; dbi-users@perl.org ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:10    AM
   Subject: Re: Clarification on DBI    module

Hi John,

I am attaching the    code.

Here is the result:

$VAR1 =    [
$VAR1 =    [


John Scoles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Hard      to say without some of
the orginal code could be a number of      things.

Do you have raiserror or pringerror set on the handle. If you      are
printing an error you may not see it and you end up just      rereading
cached data from the last query.

Post you code so      we can have a look at it.

John Scoles

----- Original      Message -----
From: "ramesh thangamani"
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 3:09      AM
Subject: Clarification on DBI module

>      Hi,
> Can you please clarify my doubts regarding DBI perl      module used for
> database connection.
> In my      environment I am using single module to prepare and execute
the sql
>      queries. The sql query can have bind variables or they may not
have. In
> order to improve performance i used prepare() and
execute()      sequence for
> the queries.
> Recently I am facing a      issue. When i prepare a query with bind
> and pass the bind      variables in execute() method it works fine, but
> time if i      invoke without passing bind variables it returns the
> query      results and it is not throwing the error:
> DBD::Oracle::st      execute failed: ORA-01008: not all variables bound
> ERROR:      OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "
> Which i believe is the      expected behaviour since i should pass bind
> variables without which      the query should fail. How come the execute
> functions fine without      bind variables in the second/multiple query
> Is there a      way to solve this issue other that re preparing the
query ?.
>      Tried searching on Web regarding this issue but couldn't find any
>      discussion on this.
> Thanks,
>      Ramesh
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The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their
neutrality in times of moral crisis.
   Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321)

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Martin Luther King

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persons or things to be seized.

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