On 2007-05-10 07:50:16 -0400, Jeffrey Seger wrote:
> On your execution without a bound value, are you actually looking for rows
> where the empno column is null? If so, try this:
> instead of
> my @bind1 = ();
> try:
> my @bind1 = (undef);
> Otherwise, what exactly are you  looking for?

As I understood Ramesh, the code wasn't supposed to do anything useful.
He expected an error (e.g. "DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: called with
0 bind variables when 1 are needed"), but instead got a result.

While the behaviour is documented (if you read closely enough), and also
useful, it is somewhat surprising:

When you use 2 placeholders in your query, and then invoke execute with
1 or 3 parameters, you get an error, that the number of bind variables
doesn't match the prepared query. But if you invoke execute with 0
parameters, you don't get such an error. 

I don't see how this behaviour could be changed without breaking
existing code, though.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | If I wanted to be "academically correct",
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | I'd be programming in Java.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | I don't, and I'm not.
__/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |   -- Jesse Erlbaum on dbi-users

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