On 19 September 2017 at 14:46, Night Light <nightligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Perl gurus,
> This is my first post. I'm using Perl with great joy, and I'd like to
> express my gratitude for all you are doing to keep Perl stable and fun to
> use.
> I'd like to ask to object to re-releasing this version and discuss on how to
> make 4.043 backwards compatible instead.
> This change will with 100% certainty corrupt all BLOB data written to the
> database when the developer did not read the release notes before applying
> the latest version of DBD::mysql (and changed its code consequently).
> Knowing that sysadmins have the habit of not always reading the release
> notes of each updated package the likelihood that this will happen will
> therefore high.
> I myself wasn't even shown the release notes as it was a dependency of an
> updated package that I applied.
> The exposure of this change is big as DBD::mysql affects multiple
> applications and many user bases.
> I believe deliberately introducing industry wide database corruption is
> something that will significantly harm peoples confidence in using Perl.
> I believe that not providing backwards compatibility is not in line with the
> Perl policy that has been carefully put together by the community to
> maintain the quality of Perl as it is today.
> http://perldoc.perl.org/perlpolicy.html#BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY-AND-DEPRECATION
> I therefore believe the only solution is an upgrade that is by default
> backwards compatible, and where it is the user who decides when to start
> UTF8 encode the input values of a SQL request instead.
> If it is too time consuming or too difficult it should be considered to park
> the UTF8-encoding "fix" and release a version with the security fix first.
> I have the following objections against this release:
> 1. the upgrade will corrupt more records than it fixes (it does more harm
> than good)
> 2. the reason given for not providing backward compatibility ("because it
> was hard to implement") is not plausible given the level of unwanted side
> effects.
>    This especially knowing that there is already a mechanism in place to
> signal if its wants UTF8 encoding or not
> (mysql_enable_utf8/mysql_enable_utf8mb4).
> 3. it costs more resources to coordinate/discuss a "way forward" or options
> than to implement a solution that addresses backwards compatibility
> 4. it is unreasonable to ask for changing existing source knowing that
> depending modules may not be actively maintained or proprietary
>    It can be argued that such module should always be maintained but it does
> not change the fact that a good running Perl program becomes unusable
> 5. it does not inform the user that after upgrading existing code will start
> write corrupt BLOB records
> 6. it does not inform the user about the fact that a code review of all
> existing code is necessary, and how it needs to be changed and tested
> 7. it does not give the user the option to decide how the BLOB's should be
> stored/encoded (opt in)
> 8. it does not provide backwards compatibility
>    By doing so it does not respect the Perl policy that has been carefully
> put together by the community to maintain the quality of Perl as it is
> today.
> http://perldoc.perl.org/perlpolicy.html#BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY-AND-DEPRECATION
> 9. it blocks users from using DBD::mysql upgrades as long as they have not
> rewritten their existing code
> 10. not all users from DBD::mysql can be warned beforehand about the side
> effects as it is not known which private parties have code that use
> DBD::mysql
> 12. I believe development will go faster when support for backwards
> compatibility is addressed
> 13. having to write 1 extra line for each SQL query value is a monks job
> that will make the module less attractive to use
> About forking to DBD::mariadb?:
> The primary reason to create such a module is when the communication
> protocol of Mariadb has become incompatible with Mysql.
> To use this namespace to fix a bug in DBD::mysql does not meet that criteria
> and causes confusion for developers and unnecessary pollution of the DBD
> namespace.
> ---
> For people that do not know the impact of the change that is pending to be
> committed:
> (see Github issue that includes 3 reports of companies that suffered data
> loss https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql/issues/117 )
> Issue: some UTF8 characters are not properly displayed after retrieval
> Cause: SQL query values are not UTF8 encoded when sent to the database but
> they are all decoded once retrieved.
> Occurence: Only records with string data that can only be written with UTF8.
> It can be considered rare as people haven't reported this issue after 10
> years of usage.
> Regional impact: Only affects countries which characters need UTF8 encoding
> and only affects string values.
> Steps to recover from it: Read string data unencoded and write it encoded.
> Changes of upgrade pending to be re-released:
> SQL query values are both UTF8 encoded when sent to the database as when its
> retrieved (including BLOB fields).
> BLOB fields will be excluded from encoding only if you specify its data
> type.
> Side effects from installing upgrade:
> - BLOB data will be written after UTF8 encoding and will therefore be
> corrupt
> - no possibility to detect if a BLOB field is corrupt or not. Only when
> known when the INSERT/UPDATE took place, and when the upgrade was installed

If the "corruption" you describe is the same as multiple-utf8
encoding, then one can quite reliably iteratively decode the buffer
until it contains a sequence that is not valid utf8, at which point
you know you are done, either ending up with a utf8 encoded buffer
that contains codepoints that cannot be downgraded, or by ending up
with a buffer containing latin-1/binary.

This is a function I wrote years ago which can fix "corrupted" utf8
data that derives from multiple utf8 encoding. This code includes a
couple of workarounds for issues in older Perl's and older Encodes,
but should work fine on a modern stack.

use constant LATIN1 => "iso-8859-1";
# special sequence that must be 1 byte longer than max length of a
utf8 encoded character
# under sane operating conditions 5 should be sufficient.
our $_tail; BEGIN {$_tail = "\1\1\1\1\1";}
# recurse_decode_value($str,$to_latin1)
# Recursively decodes a string to its minimal form. If $to_latin1 is set then
# returns the string in latin-1 if it possible to do so. If $to_latin1
is not set
# or the result contains high codepoints that can't be represented in
latin1 then
# the results will be unicode.
#  IN: 1 string to decode
#      2 bool indicating whether to return latin1 if possible
# OUT: 1 string
sub recurse_decode_value {
    my $s= shift;

    return if ref $s or not defined $s;
    my $to_latin= shift;
    # work around a bug in Encode - if the last item is a valid start
sequence byte
    # it silently swallows it when it should be trated as its latin 1
    # Specifically try: "ba\x{df}" versuse "ba\x{df}\x{df}".
    # So we add on trailing bytes that can not be a valid
start/interim byte, and then afterwards
    # pull it off. - Yves
    $s .= $_tail;   # do NOT use "\0" here! Our perl doesnt chop
strings ending in a utf8 null correctly.

    # remember the old string
    my $old_s= "";
    while (length($s) != length($old_s)) {
        $old_s= $s;
        eval {
            my $octets= $s;
            $s= decode_utf8( $octets, Encode::FB_CROAK );
            $s= $old_s if substr($s, -1, 1) ne "\1";
        } or do {
        } unless utf8::is_utf8($s);
        eval {
            my $utf8= $s;
            $s= encode( LATIN1, $utf8, Encode::FB_CROAK);
        } or do {
    $s=~s/\Q$_tail\E\z//o or warn "Possibly corrupted string decode: $s\n";
    utf8::upgrade($s) unless $to_latin;

    return $s;
}  #recurse_decode_value

perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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