Pardon me for making a new top-level branch in this thread, I want to
reply to several messages at once.

Mike South ✍:
> put a start on github and send us the url.

> I will work with you on the usability testing
Find a Perl programmer that knows some database basics. Have him work
through the document I added. If he finishes it in ten minutes,
expresses satisfaction and is able to apply the new knowledge to a
different database, then I have achieved my goal.

If you have a second programmer, set him up as a control. Give him the
documentation as it is now, perhaps let him work through Manual::Intro.

Jess Robinson ✍:
> have you read/come across,
> DBIx::Class::Tutorial? Or my, as yet not-quite-finished, book (on
> github)?
No, not at all. ribasushi pointed out DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers
in a private mail message. All of these were invisible to me.

> I'd appreciate to know if those are more what you'd expect,
Yes, especially SQLHackers! This sort of transferable knowledge is very

> how we can help people find them
Fold ::Tutorial and ::SQLHackers into one document each. Put them into
the DBIC distribution.

> I've tried a few times, happy to see other folks take on the matter.
There's easily room for twenty people writing their own version of a
DBIC beginner talk or tutorial. Let us make a competition out of it or
something to get knowledgeable users motivated to extract from their
mind onto the net their opinion of where a beginner should start.

Peter Rabbitson ✍:
> Or perhaps tell the respective authors
> (castaway and frew) that "X is crap because".
For ::Tutorial and ::SQLHackers, use exactly one schema from a
database that actually exists in reality and is already filled with
data. Best thing would to pave the cowpaths and simply standardise on
the CD database across all DBIC documentation, so rewrite the parts
with Mr. Bloggs's blog. Write the documentation so that it is usable in
a *practical* fashion: a user must be able to paste the code as-is and
observe the described effects; perhaps back this with Test::Synopsis or
Pod::Snippets to make sure it stays so.

I haven't finished reading the book attentively yet.

> and this (which is a different "sales pitch" angle):
This document needs a comparison with DBI/raw SQL a la
Moose::Manual::Unsweetened. It should show off how much shorter and
less error-prone DBIC API calls are. The examples should be taken from
real life production code if possible.

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