On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Aaron Stone <aa...@serendipity.cx> wrote:

>>> Our dbmail 2.0 running on debian sarge was damaged last night.
>>> We are currently building a new VM with debian etch and dbmail 2.2.
>>> The innodb mysql database from the old server is just being recovered
>>> onto the new server... once completed, is this just simply a matter of
>>> running the migrate_from_2.0_to_2.2.mysql file, configuring dbmail for
>>> our environment and starting it?
> Yep.
>> Oh.. i have read:
>> http://www.dbmail.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=upgrading_to_2.1
>> So i would need to perform a "dbmail-util -by" as well correct?
> Correct.

Thanks Aaron, The VM has 2 x E5310 Xeon Cores @ 1.6GHz... and the
ibdata1 file is approx 40GB.. so that upgrade script might take a
while huh?

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