mån 2003-07-28 klockan 22.15 skrev Robert CHERAMY:
> Package: installation
> Version: unavailable; reported 2003-07-28
> Severity: normal
> (sarge-i386-netinst.iso downloaded today)
> I choosed to install with the "net" option. While giving the hostname, I

What do you mean "net" option?

> tried to give a domain name (by the way I did not found a way to give

The domain question is asked at priority medium. I'm not sure why, maybe
it should be higher? "high" at least, perhaps?

> it) by entering it in the hostname : "topaze.bougon.org".
> I got the message telling me the name was incorrect, but after that, the
> default proposed hostname looked like a buffer overflow to me :
> [default = debian xze.bougon.org "*
>                                     go]>
> * is a white square but I can't reproduce it...

This sure is a bug, I just fixed it in CVS.



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