Christian Perrier ÐÐÐÐÑÐÐ:
>>Looks like the problem is coming from diacritics (harakat). I don't see
>>stand-alone harakat in your first attachment. Also, the only thing that
>>is common between the country names mentioned and the po file you have
>>attached, it seems, is that they include the 'shadda' diacritic.
>>Others, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
> Hmmm, diacritics indeed modify another character, right?
> This means that combining a character and a diacritic would give a
> different character. The combination is done by the shaping code and
> thus the final character is indeed not present in the original file,
> right?
It is not correct. For Arabic diacrits console should render two
characters in one position. As I see from bterm sources it supports such
type of combining characters.

> If that is true, this means that the needed characters (the rsult of
> the combination of harakat and the original character) should be in
> the needed-characters/ar file as well probably as the standalone
> harakat.
harakats should be in needed-characters.

> Could you complete the "ar" file I originally sent so that it includes
> harakat as well as combined characters (if I'm not wrong above) ?

Eugeniy Meshcheryakov

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Information and Computing Centre

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