On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> Roger Shimizu wrote:
>> Please hold previous patch.
> Ok.


>> I'm preparing a new patch that resolve the terminfocap setting for
>> debian-installer.
>> It's almost ready, but I want to have more tests, before submitting to you.
>> Thank for your understanding!
> Thanks for the testing. I'm currently not 100% sure how well I could
> test the screen-udeb package in advance.

I test screen enabled d-i image on my ARM based device, which is
basically a board, with ethernet port, but with no VGA/HDMI port.
So only way to install debian on that board is via SSH or serial console.
That's also the reason why I want to support screen on debian installer.

Test method is easy if all udeb packages are ready.
I have the following local udeb, which is not in official apt repo yet:

$ ls -l localudebs/
total 428
-rw-r--r-- 1 roger roger  59166 Apr  2 22:33
-rw-r--r-- 1 roger roger   9206 Apr 11 23:11 rootskel_1.116_armel.udeb
-rw-r--r-- 1 roger roger 344404 Apr 11 22:25 screen-udeb_4.3.1-3_armel.udeb

local udeb files need to be put into build/localudebs/ under
checked-out debian-installer.git repo.
After that, command "make reallyclean && make
build_marvell_network-screen" can start to build the d-i image.
"network-screen" is a new target, copied from network-console and
added screen-udeb support.
I didn't push the changes on creating "network-screen" target, so
currently you cannot test this.
I'll inform you when it's ready.

BTW. I have a few minor issues pending. I'd appreciate If you have any clue.
- screen will report a error message when starting in d-i:
  /var/run/utmp: No such file or directory
  I tried to set "deflogin off" and "login off" in /etc/screenrc, but
seems it doesn't help.
- window 4 of screen is for log: tail -f /var/log/syslog
  it's better if it can be set as "respawn" as in /etc/inittab [0]
- as you can see I make title for each window
  And I start screen by "screen -t installer /sbin/debian-installer",
so window 1 is titled as "installer"
  But using "C-a c" to create a new window also will be titled as
"installer", which is better to be able to change the default title.

I already tried to find these answer in manpage, but failed.
However these are really minor issue, so it's okay leave it for the moment.

[0] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/rootskel.git/tree/src/etc/inittab-linux

Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo

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