First of all, I am sorry, if my response sounded rough or impolite or
offensive or somehow demostrated negative attitude. It was not
intended. I beg your pardon.  English is not my native, and sometimes I
fail to notice differense between neutral wording and non-neutral. My
intention to convey purely technical idea.

Summary of out conversation, as I understood it:

  * You want system user and its $HOME to be removed at purge

  * You rationale it with piuparts and example of several other packages

  * I state that it would make dh-sysuser code complicated, and will
    require handling unknown amount of corner cases. Failure to catch
    one of them may lead to disaster,

  * I state that I do consider 'aganist' outweight 'for'

To make piuparts happy I can propose following algorithm on purge:

 * remove exactly those files in $HOME, that are same as in /etc/skel.
 * if $HOME now is empty, remove it and remove user.

[2016-12-19 08:53] Antoine Beaupré <>
> I am not sure what "spirit of Debian" you are refering to. Does my
> proposal go against a specific policy item or the social contract? Is
> there a spiritual guide I have failed to read in my last decade of
> involvement?

Debian, as far as I observe, is fine with certain level of "overhead",
like linking programs with libraries like libsystemd or libaudit or
libdbus.  Maintainer gets simplicity of packaging, user gets more
dependencies and used memory. It is considered fine.

Back to our ocassion. You propose adding different features to
dh-sysuser. Some of them in my opinion has fair balance between
usefuness and complexity, like `chmod $HOME', I can't say so about
feature of removing $HOME and deleting user.

Here I am stating that I trade a little (IMHO) of user good for a lot of
my good, and that it is common practice.

> But I understand my argument is not well received so I will go back in
> my hole of mutual ignorance.

I am sorry to hear it. I hope I clarified my position well enough and I
hope that you will change your mind and we can return to technical

PS. See next email about setsid() function.

PPS. When I use word 'state', I mean 'express my opinion', not 'state of
     world'. Arguments can change opinion.

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