tags #913364 moreinfo unreproducible

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 01:27:53AM +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:
> It has the potential to bring down the system, thus one could even argue
> upon a RC severity, but they accumulate so slowly (apparently two per day)
> and take so little resources that I wonder what could have slowed down
> Arnt's machine so badly.  I've waited past only a single midnight though, so
> it's possible badness accumulates superlinearly.

The script kills of any existing atop process and then replaces itself
with a new instance. That's the same on systemd and on non-systemd
systems. Disabling the cron job will prevent atop's log rotation
mechanism from working. This is a bit hard to understand, I fell into
this issue myself years ago.

The original bug reporter has yet failed to say what's going wrong here.
I am tired of running after poorly worded bug reports.

Adam, what exactly has the potential to bring down the system?

Marc, who has already wasted an hour of time to understand what's the
fscking complaint here

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