tags #913364 pending

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 08:55:27AM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
> the shell invoked by cron stays around. Sounds like a quoting hell issue.

It is indeed a quoting issue. On Debian unstable, the following does the
thing on both sysvinit and systemd systems:

[3/5768]mh@drop:~ $ cat /etc/cron.d/atop

# daily restart of atop at midnight
0 0 * * * root [ -d "/run/systemd/system" ] || /usr/share/atop/atop.daily&
0 0 * * * root [ -d "/run/systemd/system" ] && systemctl restart atop

I have committed that to git, it will be part of the next upload. Please
state if this doesn't fix the issue.


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