Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Afif,

On Wed, 15 May 2019 03:47:28 -0400 Afif Elghraoui <> wrote:
> Please unblock package singularity-container/3.1.1+ds-1
> This package is prone to security vulnerabilities. Upstream provides
> long-term support for selected versions to their paid users, but also
> releases all code changes (including backported security patches) to the
> community.
> Both 3.0.x and 3.1.x were released earlier this year and it was not
> known at the time which of these would be the LTS version. 3.0.3 is what
> I bet on and what is in Testing now, but it now turns out that I was
> wrong and it's actually 3.1. Using it would greatly facilitate our
> ability to provide support over the lifetime of Buster.
> The benefits of doing this have also just been clearly demonstrated:
> Upstream just released 3.2.0, adding new features as well as fixing
> security issues affecting versions 3.1.0 and up, but because 3.1 is
> under LTS support for their paid users, they also provided the security
> patches backported to 3.1 (see the 3.2.0 release notes -
> ).
> So I apologize for the large diff, but I think we'd be in much better
> shape having this upstream version in Buster. Especially because of the
> large diff, backporting patches to 3.0 without the help from upstream
> that we'd get by using 3.1 would be unnecessarily more burdensome.
> many thanks for your time and consideration

Your proposed changes very much do not align with the freeze policy, so
you're asking for an exception for a new upstream release. This package
is currently listed to be auto-removed due to, so I am not
going to review it now. is a major concern for the
security-team so that needs to be resolved first. If that gets resolved
in a timely manner, i.e. before it is auto-removed, please ping this bug
(e.g. by removing the moreinfo bug).


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