On June 28, 2019 5:00:00 AM EDT, Ivo De Decker <iv...@debian.org> wrote:
>On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 09:30:09AM -0400, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
>> On June 27, 2019 9:06:41 AM EDT, Afif Elghraoui <a...@debian.org>
>> >
>> >
>> >On June 27, 2019 5:47:28 AM EDT, Ivo De Decker <iv...@debian.org>
>> >wrote:
>> >>Hi,
>> >>> 
>> >>> So I think the two options we have is (in order of preference):
>> >>> unblock singularity-container and let the 3.1 based version in to
>> >>> buster, or 2. remove singularity-container from buster.
>> >>
>> >>It's really too late for option 1. Sorry.
>> >>
>> >>I added a removal hint.
>> >>
>> >
>> >This request was not just filed recently. I don't understand why I'm
>> >being penalized for this being late--the version requested for
>> >unblocking as been in unstable for 43 days with no new bugs. And
>> >also a leaf package.
>> >
>> >Please reconsider.
>> >
>> I at least want to know what I could have done because, from my
>> I did everything in my power to do this as quickly as possible. At
>the time
>> I made the request, the buster release date had not yet even been
>Please look at the freeze policy:

I have seen it. I hoped we would be trying to make the best possible release 
rather than just following the freeze policy for its own sake. My understanding 
of its strictness is to keep packages with reverse-dependencies from breaking 
them with large changes.

This was a very low/no-risk request because it is a leaf package. firefox-esr 
updates to new versions all the time for security support and actually does 
break reverse-dependency packages in Stable much of the time as a result.

>The upload of 3.1.1+ds-1 was done on 2019-05-15, the full freeze
>started on
>During the full freeze, we only accept targeted fixes. Your upload
>didn't come
>close to that, as you admitted yourself in your original mail to the
>request. The chances of such a request being granted were extremely
>even at the point the request was made.
>The unblock won't be granted. Sorry.

Removal of the existing version in buster, on the other hand, I thought was too 
extreme. I would have tried to support 3.0.3 in buster if any CVEs in it came 
up  and, if that proved too difficult, asked for the exemption to bump to this 
3.1 lts version again at that point.


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