On 01.07.20 09:14, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
> I'm not doing this, instead I'll add DEBUG_LOGGER template to
> /etc/default/sssd and mention that DAEMON_OPTS is only used for the
> initscript.

I would like to argue, that the total removal of the coupling of the
service file and /etc/defaults/sssd might be the better way forward.

The current state is that /etc/defaults/sssd has no effect on
sssd.service. I don't think it's a good idea to introduce it now, since
it's a hidden layer of configuration that cannot be accessed via
`systemctl cat`.

It's perfectly fine for init scripts to use /etc/defaults, as there is
no better mechanism to alter configuration, but for systemd unit files
drop-ins are far superior, since `systemctl cat` aggregates them,
shifting the burden of piecing together the configuration away from admins.

Furthermore, using drop-ins in /lib/systemd/system/sssd.service.d would
allow to carry Debian changes to the default config in files that could
be changed atomically on updates without interfering with locally
supplied changes.

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