Control: tags -1 +pending

On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 4:48 PM Amr Ibrahim <> wrote:
> Upstream has renamed chrome-gnome-shell into gnome-browser-connector,
> and released version 42. Please follow the new upstream source.
> GNOME Shell browser integration homepage
> gnome-browser-connector source

This is now in the NEW queue.

> A question: is there a reason why gnome-browser-extension is not
> packaged in Debian, and has to be installed from Firefox Add-ons?
> gnome-browser-extension source

It's a separate source package so someone that cares about it would
need to package it.

Personally, I use the Firefox snap (and the Chromium snap) so I won't
be packaging it.

Thank you,
Jeremy Bicha

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