
Thanks a lot for not just finding those issues, but also fixing them! That is
much appreciated.

As for the license, Manuel (who is upstream) pointed out that the entire source
code is (and always has been) GPL-2 only. The only issue with that is the
packaging, which is GPL-3+. But that was my doing; the original was GPL-2 (I
thought GPL-2+, but perhaps that isn't true and I wasn't even allowed to make
it GPL-3+).

In any case, I'll happily change the license to my work into GPL-2+, so that it
is compatible with the rest of OpenMSX. Obviously the link should also point to

As for cbios: I was not aware that it was included in the source tree. Fact is
that it doesn't need to be; it is useful for running the system, but it is not
even required for that and it is also not required for compiling it. If it
were, I'd build-depend on the Debian package.

So while I appreciate your efforts to track down and package the sources, I
think the better approach is to remove the binaries from Debian's source
package, just like the Windows dll.

Do you agree that that would be a more elegant solution?


On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 03:14:37PM -0600, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> On 11/27/23 15:02, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:
> > On 27-11-2023 02:11, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> > > Alright, I have fully rebuilt the copyright file. I also ended up
> > > adding the source code for several releases of C-BIOS into the
> > > packaging. As this code is in the form of zipped files for the sake
> > > of size, it's not exactly practical to provide the new source
> > > package changes as a debdiff since debdiffs don't communicate binary
> > > file changes very well. So here's a .tar.gz of the new source
> > > package tree, detach-signed with my GPG key.
> > > https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/openmsx-packaging (I put it on GitHub
> > > since Gmail didn't want to let me send the package as a file
> > > attachment.)
> > But why would you include the cbios sources in the openMSX package, as
> > there is already a cbios package, which provides the binaries and has
> > the sources as source package?
> Because openMSX vendors pre-built C-BIOS binaries, so therefore the source
> package must include the sources for it to be DFSG compliant. See
> https://www.debian.org/social_contract DFSG section 2. There is no build
> dependency on C-BIOS since C-BIOS binaries are provided in openMSX rather
> than sources. There is no binary dependency on C-BIOS either for the same
> reason. A user who downloads the source for the Debian openMSX package will
> not get all of the source, since there are multiple C-BIOS binaries with no
> source code. openMSX does point to the C-BIOS sources on SourceForge, but
> SourceForge isn't guaranteed to always exist. I do not think it is
> sufficient for some of the sources the user should have been given to just
> be "somewhere in the archive", leaving it up to the user to find them.
> Including C-BIOS source in the source package of openMSX ensures that even
> if all else fails (no upstream source, no way of pulling the C-BIOS source
> package for some reason) a user will always get the sources for the software
> they downloaded the source package of.
> > > 
> > > (You probably will notice some superfluous-file-pattern warnings
> > > from Lintian when you build this - I do not understand why these are
> > > occurring as the file patterns it's griping about are *not*
> > > superfluous and don't appear to be overridden by any later
> > > statements in the copyright file. I suspect a Lintian bug here.)
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Kind regards,
> > Manuel
> -- 
> Aaron Rainbolt
> Lubuntu Developer
> Matrix: @arraybolt3:matrix.org
> IRC: arraybolt3 on irc.libera.chat
> GitHub: https://github.com/ArrayBolt3

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