On Sat, 07 Oct 2006, +12:44:55 EEST (UTC +0300),
Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pressed some keys:

> On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 23:14 +0300, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:
> > On Fri, 06 Oct 2006, +22:36:51 EEST (UTC +0300),
> > Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pressed some keys:
> > 
> > > Of course, it would be interesting to
> > > know where the file in /etc/texmf/web2c came from. Did you call
> > > 'updmap-sys --edit' or 'updmap-sys --syncwithtrees' at some time?
> > 
> > I don't thinks so. At least I can not remember that I had done so.
> When was the file in /etc/texmf/web2c created?

I don't know. Maybe it is remnant from my teTeX-era.

> What's the difference to the proper file in /var/lib/texmf?

Here is that old file /etc/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg :

### This file was automatically generated by update-updmap.
# Please do not edit it directly. If you want to add or change
# anything here, please have a look at the files in:
#    /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
# and invoke update-updmap.

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg
# dvipsPreferOutline
# Should dvips (by default) prefer bitmap fonts or outline fonts
# if both are available? Independend of this setting, outlines
# can be forced by putting "p psfonts_t1.map" into a config file
# that dvips reads. Bitmaps (for the fonts in question) can
# be forced by putting "p psfonts_pk.map" into a config file.
# We provide such config files which can be enabled via
# dvips -Poutline ... resp. dvips -Ppk ...
# Valid settings for dvipsPreferOutline are true / false:
dvipsPreferOutline true

# LW35
# Which fonts for the "Basic 35 Laserwriter Fonts" do you want to use and
# how are the filenames chosen? Valid settings:
#   URW:     URW fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. n019064l.pfb)
#   URWkb:   URW fonts with "berry" filenames (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb)
#   ADOBE:   Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb)
#   ADOBEkb: Adobe fonts with  "berry" filenames (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb)
LW35 URWkb

# dvipsDownloadBase35
# Should dvips (by default) download the standard 35 LaserWriter fonts
# with the document (then set dvipsDownloadBase35 true) or should these
# fonts be used from the ps interpreter / printer?
# Whatever the default is, the user can override it by specifying
# dvips -Pdownload35 ... resp. dvips -Pbuiltin35 ... to either download
# the LW35 fonts resp. use the build-in fonts.
# Valid settings are true / false:
dvipsDownloadBase35 false

# pdftexDownloadBase14
# Should pdftex download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts). Adobe recommends to embed all fonts.
pdftexDownloadBase14 true

# dvipdfmDownloadBase14
# Should dvipdfm download the base 14 pdf fonts? Since some configurations
# (ps / pdf tools / printers) use bad default fonts, it is safer to download
# the fonts. The pdf files will get bigger, though.
# Valid settings are true (download the fonts) or false (don't download
# the fonts).
dvipdfmDownloadBase14 true

# Map files.
# There are two possible entries: Map and MixedMap. Both have one additional
# argument: the filename of the map file. MixedMap ("mixed" means that
# the font is available as bitmap and as outline) lines will not be used
# in the default map of dvips if dvipsPreferOutline is false. Inactive
# Map files should be marked by "#! " (without the quotes), not just #.
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10lmodern.cfg
# Don't delete the following pseudo-comment unless you know what you are doing.
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
# This file will *not* be included in updmap.cfg if the lmodern package is
# removed. Please read update-updmap(1) for details.
# This file is part of the set of files used to (indirectly) generate the
# final map files such as psfonts_{t1,pk}.map, {pdftex,dvipdfm}_{,n}dl14.map,
# ps2pk.map, builtin35.map and download35.map under /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/
# (with psfonts.map being a symbolic link to one of psfonts_{t1,pk}.map,
# pdftex.map a symbolic link to one of pdftex_{,n}dl14.map and dvipdfm.map a
# symbolic link to one of dvipdfm_{,n}dl14.map, the choice depending on your
# updmap configuration, which you can customize by altering the files in
# /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ and running update-updmap).
# You should *not* modify the aforementioned final map files under
# /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/ directly, for they are automatically generated by
# updmap-sys(1). Instead, you should read update-updmap(1), updmap-sys(1) and
# if you actually need to make changes to the aforementioned final map files,
# you should make the changes in /etc/texmf/updmap.d/, use update-updmap to
# regenerate /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg and finally updmap-sys to
# regenerate the final map files.
# Reading /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg can also help understand how all
# this works.
# Declare the basic Latin Modern map files for use by the updmap-sys(1)
# machinery.
Map lm-ec.map
Map lm-el.map
Map lm-math.map
Map lm-qx.map
Map lm-rm.map
Map lm-t5.map
Map lm-texnansi.map
Map lm-ts1.map
# This map file is for compatibility with old DVI files.
Map cork-lm.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10lmodern.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10local.cfg
Map ec-mftrace.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10local.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10musixtex.cfg
# 10musixtex.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap musix.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10musixtex.cfg

### /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tetex-base.cfg not included because either it wasn't
### up-to-date (conffile update pending) or the package shipping it was
### apparently removed (no corresponding .list file in
### /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/).

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-base.cfg
# 10texlive-base.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap ams-bsr-interpolated.map 
MixedMap ams-bsr.map 
MixedMap ams-cmcsc-bsr-interpolated.map 
MixedMap cmother-bsr.map 
MixedMap cmtext-bsr-interpolated.map 
MixedMap cmtext-bsr.map 
MixedMap ttcmex.map 
MixedMap mflogo.map 
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-base.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-fonts-extra.cfg
# 10texlive-fonts-extra.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map aifonts.map
MixedMap allrunes.map 
Map aramaic.map
Map cypriot.map
Map etruscan.map
Map fut10.map
Map greek4cbc.map
Map greek6cbc.map
Map hieroglf.map
Map linearb.map
Map nabatean.map
Map oands.map
Map oldprsn.map
Map phoenician.map
Map proto10.map
Map ugarite.map
Map arev.map
Map augie.map
Map aurical.map
Map belleek.map
Map bera.map
Map pbsi.map
Map cm-lgc.map
Map dictsym.map
Map esvect.map
Map fourier.map
Map yfrak.map
MixedMap hfbright.map 
Map kurier.map
Map leawood.map
Map lucidabr.map
Map lumath.map
Map cherokee.map
Map oinuit.map
Map phaistos.map
MixedMap rsfs.map 
MixedMap trajan.map 
Map slantcm.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-fonts-extra.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-fonts-recommended.cfg
# 10texlive-fonts-recommended.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map zpeu.map
MixedMap eurosym.map 
Map marvosym.map
Map pxfonts.map
Map txfonts.map
MixedMap wasy.map 
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-fonts-recommended.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-games.cfg
# 10texlive-games.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map cheq.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-games.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-latex-base.cfg
# 10texlive-latex-base.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap latex-bsr.map 
Map charter.map
Map fpls.map
Map pazo.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-latex-base.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-latex-extra.cfg
# 10texlive-latex-extra.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map epiolmec.map
MixedMap esint.map 
MixedMap manfnt.map 
Map SkakNew.map
Map tabvar.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-latex-extra.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-math-extra.cfg
# 10texlive-math-extra.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap stmaryrd.map 
MixedMap yhmath.map 
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-math-extra.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-omega.cfg
# 10texlive-omega.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map omega.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-omega.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-pictures.cfg
# 10texlive-pictures.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). YOu should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap xypic.map 
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10texlive-pictures.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tipa.cfg
# 10tipa.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap tipa.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tipa.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tufonts.cfg
# 10tufonts.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
Map tu.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tufonts.cfg

### /etc/texmf/updmap.d/20tetex-extra.cfg not included because either it wasn't
### up-to-date (conffile update pending) or the package shipping it was
### apparently removed (no corresponding .list file in
### /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/).

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/50cm-super.cfg
# 50cm-super.cfg
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
MixedMap cm-super-t1.map
MixedMap cm-super-t2a.map
MixedMap cm-super-t2b.map
MixedMap cm-super-t2c.map
MixedMap cm-super-ts1.map
MixedMap cm-super-x2.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/50cm-super.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/90scalable-cyrfonts-tex.cfg
#! Map scalable-cyrfonts-tex.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/90scalable-cyrfonts-tex.cfg

### From file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/99local.cfg
Map ugq.map
### End of file: /etc/texmf/updmap.d/99local.cfg

>It would be interesting to find out where this file came from.

I still suspect teTeX. BTW those tetex-packages were purged, not just removed.
I have these habits:

List all packages that have been deleted but not purged:
grep-status -FStatus -sPackage -n config-files

Just like above, but purge them, too:
grep-status -FStatus -sPackage -n config-files | xargs dpkg --purge

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"anorectic female speaking philosophy. mothers interfering in everyone's
privacy. politicians smiling over controversy. everybody's involved in a
conspiracy. saw it on tv, saw it on tv, the way my life could be." Kemopetrol

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