Op 25-05-08 05:28, schreef Osamu Aoki:
> Hi, 老孫, the master of strategy, :-)
> I was not expecting to exchange email from 2nd century BC person
> without Time-machine.
> Watch out for your enemy spreading bad rumor on you.  As I understand,
> many of ancient Chinese gurus were killed by their master due to such
> rumor.

Lol, I accidentally used my "spam" email address due to a bug in Icedove /
Thunderbird: when you save an email in concepts on an IMAP account using one
computer, and then send it on another computer, then TB will use another
email account if the second computer has not the exact same accounts as on
the first computer.  Heh.

> On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 07:44:09PM +0200, "Sun Tzu (孫子)" wrote:
>> Osamu Aoki schreef:
>>> Please apply patch and update your package.
>> The patch won't help; CJK *really* needs these .sfd files.  That is a
>> "conditio sine qua non" to get extra fonts working with CJK.
> If you say so, I trust it is true.  But funny thing is those people who
> is pushing FT2 transition did NMU with success.  I see PS/PDF files OK.
> (I do not know .sfd files... is this Spline Font Database? In what
> process these are used?  What happens without it?)

.sfd files are "subfont definition" files and are stored on
$TEXMF(LOCAL)/fonts/sfd/.  They contain the code ranges of CJK encodings such
as Big5, JIS X 0208, Unicode, DNP, etc.

You need these .sfd files when you wish to convert (CJK) TrueType fonts to
either TFM/PK or to PFA/PFB fonts.  Hence the Build-Depends for
latex-cjk-chinese-arphic and -japanese-wadalab.

Serious users of CJK need the .sfd files if they wish to get their own fonts
working with CJK.  They will also need the ttf2* binaries if they do it "the
old but fast way" (the "new way" uses Fontforge scripts, but takes a long
time and you still need the .sfd files; ask my sponsors Frank and Norbert ;))).

>> So if you don't mind, I will downgrade the severity of this bug to
>> "wishlist", and remove the "patch" tag.
> Please from me.


>> P.S.: as for DDP, I'm currently testing xCJK, which will be included in
>> a next upload of latex-cjk-*, which has XeLaTeX support.  It supports
>> TTF directly, so you won't have any of these font problems anymore.  I'm
>> trying out several DFSG-free fonts now, to see which ones are good
>> enough to recommend.
> I have updated debiandoc-sgml to support UTF-8 as long as we get proper
> LaTex header files for each languages.  HTML and Plain text are fully
> functional.

Ok.  After xCJK is proved to work correctly for everyone on Debian, I'll
submit a few changes to get Korean working again.

> One thing I worry is ghostscript for CJK.  Does it require presense of
> CID font support data which is non-free?

No, I don't think so.  xCJK can embed the Type1 subfonts in the PDF or PS
files, and haven't noticed any CID requirement.

Best regards

Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)



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