On Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 09:54:35PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> I had a look at the source of watchdog, and discovered that the calls
> to init.d script headers did not reflect the arguments used when
> calling update-rc.d.  This make the headers incorrect, and it is vital
> to have them fixed.  Here is a proposal tofix them.  It is dropping
> $local_fs as it is a sub-dependency on $remote_fs, and also dropping
> $syslog from wd_keepalive.init as it used to start before the syslog

Doesn't work:

mich...@virtualsid64:~$ ls /etc/rc2.d/
README           S17sysklogd                    S18acpid  S18klogd          
S15nfs-common    S17virtualbox-ose-guest-utils  S18atd    S18openbsd-inetd  
S17acpi-support  S17wd_keepalive                S18cron   S18rc.local       
S17citadel       S17webcit                      S18dbus   S18watchdog       

Other scripts are started before wd_keepalive, which is not acceptable. We need
a different solution.

Michael Meskes
Michael at Fam-Meskes dot De, Michael at Meskes dot (De|Com|Net|Org)
Michael at BorussiaFan dot De, Meskes at (Debian|Postgresql) dot Org
ICQ: 179140304, AIM/Yahoo/Skype: michaelmeskes, Jabber: mes...@jabber.org
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