[Michael Meskes]
> Doesn't work:
> mich...@virtualsid64:~$ ls /etc/rc2.d/
> README          S17sysklogd                   S18acpid S18klogd         
> S19bootlogs
> S15nfs-common   S17virtualbox-ose-guest-utils S18atd   S18openbsd-inetd S19hal
> S17acpi-support S17wd_keepalive               S18cron  S18rc.local      
> S20rmnologin
> S17citadel      S17webcit                     S18dbus  S18watchdog      
> S20stop-bootlogd
> Other scripts are started before wd_keepalive, which is not acceptable.

Why is it a problem that nfs-common and acpi-support are started
before wb_keepalive?  Or are you talking about citadel, sysklogd and
virtualbox-ose-guest-utils?  citadel have a bug in its header and
should depend on sysklogd (#541075), and the same is the case with
webcit (#541071).  Thank you for bringing these bugs to my
attencion. :) The scripts with the same sequence number might start in
parallel, so there is no known ordering of those as long as no
dependency information is documented in the init.d script header.

> We need a different solution.

List the scripts you want wb_keepalive to run before in its
X-Start-Before header, to make sure it is started before these

I note that it used to start before sysklogd, yet it uses $syslog.  If
you really want the daemon to start before the syslog server is
available, you can use

  # X-Start-Before: $syslog

and remove $syslog from the (Required|Should)-Start headers (to avoid
a dependency loop).  It would move it before all services depending on
a working syslog service.  You will have to decide if it make sense in
this case or not.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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