Stefano Zacchiroli schrieb am Montag, den 19. Dezember 2011:

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 03:33:18PM +0100, Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > Ok I had a longer talk to Michael Meskes and I am now able to
> > understand you (and his) position a little bit better.
> > 
> > I (personally) would be willing to accept the lists under the
> > following conditions:
> Thanks. Before answering your request let me try to address some of the
> concerns which seem to be still pending in this thread.
> There exist companies with an interest in Debian. Those companies are
> not part of the Debian Project and, when they need to interact with the
> Project they do so by the usual means, e.g. mailing -project/-devel or
> other lists for public discussions, or mailing leader@d.o if they look
> for an official representative of the project.  They have a common
> interest (deploying Debian-based solutions for their customers) and they
> often face the same problems (e.g. how can we get $foo to "certify"
> their software for Debian, so that we can deploy Debian to more
> customers?). The best description of what they are, stolen from Michael
> Meskes, is probably a "debian business user group".
> I think that Debian, as a Project, doesn't want to --- or maybe isn't
> capable of --- fix the problems of such a group. After all, many of us
> are in a volunteer distro also because we don't want to care about
> market-driven concerns. I'd like to empower people of this group to fix
> these problems by themselves. All it takes to start is that we welcome
> people to work on these problems *on their own* and a bit of hosting for
> them. If they think they need a private list hosting, so be it.
> I don't consider the activities they will be doing as activities of the
> Debian Project. I also expect people on the list to interact with the
> Project as they have been doing up to now: either on public lists or
> contacting the DPL at leader@d.o (FWIW, the DPL routinely redirect
> non-private requests addressed to leader@d.o to the most appropriate
> public list). So I don't see a problem of full disclosure here, and I
> think we should first work on fixing the issue of openness we still have
> in Debian before imposing our so called "standards" to others.
> ... unless people want to maintain that Debian should not even *host* a
> private list for 3rd party activities. I notice that we have done so in
> the past --- I see for example a non archived "sart" list on lists.d.o,
> and we have also hosted lists for SPI that nowadays has a private
> members list --- and I don't see why we should not do that in presence
> of a reasonable request.
> Regarding Don's points about potential internal conflicts of interest in
> the group, they are reasonable concerns. But to be honest I don't think
> *we*, as Debian, should be worried about that. Having been asked for
> some list hosting, I think we should be happy to give it, how the
> participants will decide to use it and fix the corresponding governance
> problems is up to them.
> Now, to Alexander requests:
> > Before the list is created I want an exact policy who is allowed to
> > get subscribed to this list.
> I've provided a tentative answer for this in my first mail, but I'm not
> sure it's compatible with the way listmasters work. To bootstrap the
> system, would be good enough to say "the DPL moderates subscription
> requests and say yes/no to them"?
That is exactly what I don't want. I want an objective, testable policy. So
that everybody can say without a moderator if he/she/it is suited for this

> I'm not particularly thrilled at the idea of doing that on the long run
> and I expect the participants to define at some point a governance
> structure with criteria of who can get in. But there is a chicken and
> egg problem on how to get started and I volunteer to fix that.
> > A better description of the list should be done that leads into a
> > press announcement that invites everybody (that matches the
> > subscription policy) to participate in the discussion on the list.
> That was already planned, yes. Also because I see no other ways to
> attract potentially interested companies to it...  If you see that as a
> requirement for list creation, I can also draft a press release and post
> it to this bug log.

> > (Optional, but nice): Some representatives of the debian project
> > should participate on the list.
> For this, leader@d.o seems to make sense too.  For everything else, I
> think we should recommend that people use the usual communication
> channels instead of relying about specific Debian people being
> subscribed to the list.
I would prefer some (hopefully objective) project members (maybe the ctte?)
to overlook the list that act in place for the project. 

But as I said, I see this as optional. 

Alexander Wirt, 
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