On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 03:53:51PM +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Die, 05 Jun 2007, John Goerzen wrote:
> > kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
> > Sorry, I can't find the format `latex.fmt'; will try `jadetex.fmt'.
> > kpathsea: Running mktexfmt jadetex.fmt
> This is really strange.
> I checked it. I removed my latex format, I called
>       pdftex -ini -jobname=jadetex -progname=jadetex '&latex' jadetex.ini
> and the mktexfmt latex.fmt call succeeds. I have no idea why it does not
> succeed in your case.
> Can you do another test: Please edit /usr/bin/fmtutil and at the top add
>       set -x

> then redo the test and break off as usual. I want to see why
> fmtutil/mktexfmt cannot find the latex.fmt.

Output attached as fmtutil.log.gz.

> You do have texlive-latex-base installed, you do have
> /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-latex-base.cnf and it contains a latex line?

# dpkg -s texlive-latex-base | grep -i status
Status: install ok unpacked

It is not configured because of this problem.

There is no /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-latex-base.cnf on this system:

# ls /etc/texmf/fmt.d
00tex.cnf                    10texlive-latex-base.cnf.dpkg-new
01tetex.cnf.obsolete         40jadetex.cnf
10texlive-base-bin.cnf       40jadetex.cnf.dpkg-old
10texlive-base.cnf.dpkg-new  50cyrtexinfo.cnf

> What does kpsewhich --format='web2c files' fmtutil.cnf say? And does

# kpsewhich --format='web2c files' fmtutil.cnf

> this file contain the same latex line as
> /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-latex-base.cnf?

I'll attach /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf as well.

-- John

Attachment: fmtutil.log.gz
Description: Binary data

### This file was automatically generated by update-fmtutil.
# Please do not edit it directly. If you want to add or change
# anything here, please have a look at the files in:
#    /etc/texmf/fmt.d/
# and invoke update-fmtutil.

### From file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/00tex.cnf
# 00tex.cnf: header of the configuration file for fmtutil.
# In Debian, fmtutil.cnf is a file that is generated from
# configuration files in /etc/texmf/fmt.d/.  This file, 00tex.cnf, 
# contains only some comments on how to edit these files.
# The text of the comments is Copyright 1998, 1999 by Thomas Esser, it
# is in the Public domain.

# You Customize these file to your needs, e.g.
#   - remove or uncomment formats that you don't need
#   - add your own formats
#   - change default engine / flags for standard formats

# Some notes:
#   1) tex and amstex just load hyphen.tex. No customization.
#   You can have you own customized (via babel's hyphen.cfg)
#   formats on top of plain by using "bplain.tex" instead of
#   plain.tex (see e.g. bplain.ini file for bplain format).
#   2) etex loads language.def, not language.dat.
#   3) The symbolic link to the right engines (e.g. bplain -> tex)
#      will be generated by the "texlinks" script. So, if you call
#      fmtutil "by hand" and not via texconfig, please also call
#      texlinks afterwards.
#   4) usual comments start with "# ", whereas disabled configurations
#      start with "#! " in this file.

# The format of the table is:

# format        engine          pattern-file    arguments

# The last part of "arguments" must be the name of the file to run
# initex (or another "ini"-engine) on.

### End of file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/00tex.cnf

### /etc/texmf/fmt.d/10texlive-base-bin.cnf not included because either it 
### up-to-date (conffile update pending) or the package shipping it was
### apparently removed (no corresponding .list file in
### /var/lib/tex-common/fmtutil-cnf/).

### From file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf
# 40jadetex.cnf
# You can change/add entries to this file and changes will be preserved
# over upgrades, even if you have removed the main package prior
# (not if you purged it). You should leave the following pseudo comment
# present in the file!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
jadetex pdftex  language.dat    &latex jadetex.ini
pdfjadetex      pdftex  language.dat    &pdflatex pdfjadetex.ini
### End of file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf

### From file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/50cyrtexinfo.cnf
# 50cyrtexinfo.cnf
# Please leave this comment!
# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
# Texinfo formats for cyrillic language
# If you want to build cyrtexinfo, the cyrillic texinfo format, you have
# to do the following steps (all as root)
# . install either tetex-base and tetex-extra, or texlive-langcyrillic
# . comment out the format line in this file
# . create a link
#       /usr/local/bin/cyrtexinfo -> ../../bin/pdfetex
# . call update-fmtutil
# . call fmtutil-sys --missing (or --all)
#cyrtexinfo pdfetex language.dat -translate-file=cp227.tcx *cyrtxinf.ini
### End of file: /etc/texmf/fmt.d/50cyrtexinfo.cnf

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