Stephen Frost writes ("Re: (forw) [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Posting on the list 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: md5sum <FILE produces spurious ` -' in output]]"):
> The TC isn't the only committee in Debian.  [...]

FSVO `committee', this is true.  But the TC is the only one that's
formally established and can't really be worked round if it breaks.
It's also at the top of an `appeal pyramid', if you see what I mean.
That means it tends to have the most experienced (and so busiest)
people on it.

> As tbm (I think?) mentioned, Debian spamfiltering will be getting an
> upgrade soon as well.  As for your own spamfilters, I'm not really
> expecting alot of people to jump up and down and bitch if they're in
> place for the mailing lists you're on.  [...]

I'm afraid I didn't make myself.  My spamfilter doesn't _throw away_
mails that it doesn't like, it rejects them at the SMTP level.  It
uses criteria that are really only available during the _initial_
connection from an untrusted host.  Both of these things mean that it
doesn't work to run it on mail once it has been `laundered' by
Debian's machines: firstly, the false positives would just vanish
rather than bouncing, and secondly, its hitrate is hugely reduced.

> Do other people on the committee feel this way?  What about people who
> have to monitor other lists (Manoj?)?  Honestly, this seems kind of
> silly to me as a reason to differentiate debian-ctte from the rest of
> the mailing lists Debian hosts when, really, pretty much all of them
> fall into much the same category.

Perhaps I should offer to host the TC list myself.  I could get the
admins to delegate a mail domain under, and we could make
mail to the old addresses bounce.


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