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Messages by Thread
Next meeting: Tuesday 4 February, 09:00 UTC
Matthew Vernon
Processed: block 1077937 with 1091864
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Simon McVittie
Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Helmut Grohne
Re: Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Josh Triplett
Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091995: tech-ctte: clarify authority of aliasing symbolic links
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Laurent Bigonville
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Chris Hofstaedtler
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Laurent Bigonville
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Michael Biebl
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Sam Hartman
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Sam Hartman
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Sam Hartman
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Josh Triplett
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Marc Haber
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Laurent Bigonville
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Marc Haber
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Simon McVittie
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Michael Biebl
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Michael Biebl
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Uoti Urpala
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Timo Röhling
Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Helmut Grohne
Processed: Re: Bug#1091864: tech-ctte: Avahi and systemd-resolved cannot a run mDNS responder at the same time
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#1072021: hippotat-server: drop dependency on system-log-daemon
Debian Bug Tracking System
Next meeting: Friday 29 November, 12:00 UTC (noon)
Matthew Vernon
Next meeting: Monday 28 October, 08:00 UTC
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ian Jackson
Processed: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sam Hartman
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Chris Hofstaedtler
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Bastian Blank
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Christoph Berg
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Christoph Berg
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Christoph Berg
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Simon McVittie
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Chris Hofstaedtler
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Josh Triplett
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Bastian Blank
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Ansgar 🙀
Re: Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Re: Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Philip Hands
Re: Bug#1084924: Draft Ballot Re: Bug#1084924: The system-log-daemon virtual package
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Christoph Berg
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Sean Whitton
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Stefano Rivera
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Matthew Vernon
Processed: Re: Bug#1084924: Call for votes
Debian Bug Tracking System
Recruitment: candidates from last round
Sean Whitton
Next meeting: Monday 23 September, 10:00 UTC
Matthew Vernon
something else to hand over: taking over my cronjob
Sean Whitton
something else to hand over: taking over my cronjob
Sean Whitton
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Sean Whitton
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Sean Whitton
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Stefano Rivera
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Christoph Berg
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1078851: Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair
Timo Röhling
Bug#1078851: marked as done (Resignation & call for votes to elect the Chair)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Sean Whitton
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Stefano Rivera
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Ben Hutchings
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Ben Hutchings
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Matthias Klose
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Ben Hutchings
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Matthias Klose
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Ben Hutchings
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Stefano Rivera
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Ben Hutchings
Bug#1065416: Bastian's offer in #1065416
Stefano Rivera
Debian Technical Committee article
Sean Whitton
Re: Debian Technical Committee article
Sean Whitton
Bug#1078598: oldstable22testing, oldstable222sid should not fail on /usr moves
Simon McVittie
Next meeting: Wednesday 16th, 8am UTC
Sean Whitton
Re: Next meeting: Wednesday 16th, 8am UTC
Sean Whitton
[corrected] Next meeting: Friday 16th, 8am UTC
Sean Whitton
Re: [corrected] Next meeting: Friday 16th, 8am UTC
Sean Whitton
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Christoph Berg
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Sam Hartman
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Sean Whitton
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Paul Gevers
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Russ Allbery
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Re: Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Matthew Vernon
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Helmut Grohne
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Sean Whitton
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Sean Whitton
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Wouter Verhelst
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Gioele Barabucci
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Timo Röhling
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Simon McVittie
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Marc Haber
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Luca Boccassi
Bug#1077764: Ruling request on os-release specification implementation
Sean Whitton
Earlier messages