On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> wrote:


> I see the following good ways out of this problem:
> A) Ron stays maintainer of src:global and uploads a reasonably recent 6.x
>    version to unstable;
> B) (With or without an explicit decision by the TC), src:global is handed over
>    to new maintainers and they'd upload a reasonably recent 6.x version to
>    unstable;
>         (
>     In both A) and B) cases, whoever is maintainer of src:global would be in
>     charge of handling the subsequent (so far hypothetical) bugs in time for
>     the release. As usual, everyone is welcome to help with finding,
>     forwarding, and fixing bugs.
>    )

One suggestion to keep extra debian (non-upstream) functionality in
global is to move it to another package package. The package would
build on upstream htags and allows users to share their html
cross-indexing via cgi-bin.

As I understand it, the extra feature pertains to enabling access via
web-server to html index of sources generated by htags.

> I see this as a suboptimal outcome, because it rewards inertia and stop-
> energy:
> C) Ron stays maintainer of src:global and uploads a reasonably recent 6.x
> version to experimental, with the explicit goal of making that version later
> available through stretch-backports.
> --
> Cheers,
>     OdyX
> P.S. Sorry for the wall of text, including too many repetitions :/
> [0] I know, it's all obvious.
> [1] Yes, 6+ years, even at the Debian rhythm, is indefinite.

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