On Mon, 05 Dec 2016, Sam Hartman wrote:
> So, what impact does having blends-tasks have besides wasting disk
> space.

It results in multiple extra tasks listed in the task selection screen
without describing the tasks or putting them into a submenu or similar.

[The screen shot Holger linked to is a screen shot of the installer at
the tasksel screen showing an entry for "Debian Blends" followed by a
series of entries which start with leading periods followed by entries
like "HamRadio" and "DebiChem".]

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

"I always tend to assume there's an infinite amount of money out
there." "There might as well be, [...] but most of it gets spent on
pornography, sugar water, and bombs. There is only so much that can be
scraped together for particle accelerators."
 -- Neal Stephenson _Anathem_ p262

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