
I was supposed to do this last week, but Christmas got in the way.  Apologies
for the delay.

While it's great that there is a possibly better solution in the works for the
tasksel screen, there's still the issue at hand that blends-tasks has used the
severity of the package as a way of circumventing collaboration with tasksel

I believe the TC should rule on this issue and I propose the following ballot:

A: The blends-tasks package should be dropped and its contents integrated into
Z: Further discussion

Additionally, we should strongly encourage the maintainers of both tasksel and
blends-tasks to collaborate and decide on a timeline for the needed changes.  In
particular, we would leave the decision as to whether to do this before or after
the Strech release to the involved parties.

The reason why I believe it's important that we rule (even if a better tasksel
screen is in the works) is that I don't think it's ok for a maintainer to use
package priorities (or other similar abuse of technical measures) to avoid
collaborating with other teams. While I understand that d-i is in dear need of
peoplepower, this is still not a reason for going around them, it would instead
be a reason to try to volunteer some work for them.

We could also have options regarding whether this should be implemented for
Stretch or not, but given our discussion on IRC last week, I got the feeling
that we wanted to leave this to the involved parties.  If someone feels strongly
that we should have options for that, we can add them (the same for having an
explicit "blends-tasks can stay with priority important" option).

My vote for the above mentioned ballot, then:
A > Z


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