
The time for the monthly committee meeting has arrived again, the meeting is scheduled to happen in 7.5h. And again there don't seem to be any topics to discuss. There are no open bugs in our queue and there has been no traffic in our mailing list.

The only Committee related activity in the upcoming future is the usual presentation at DebConf.

We talked about DebConf18 and I recall that about half of us are not going and the other half are going, but I don't recall exactly who is going and who is not (sorry, I should have noted this down!)

Do we want to meet tonight and talk about the upcoming DebConf presentation? Those of us not going could help with the preparation task even if not present at the conference.

If whoever is in charge of the presentation (who is that?) thinks this is valuable, please speak up in the next few hours.

Otherwise, I'll cancel the meeting (which seems to be the only thing I do as Chair...)


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