Le mercredi, 19 septembre 2018, 14.39:23 h CEST Philip Hands a écrit :
> How about this instead:
>   The Committee therefore resolves that:
>   1. Any use of dpkg's vendor-specific patch series feature is a bug for
>      packages in the Debian archive (including contrib and non-free),
>      however existing use of this feature in packages should not be
>      considered release critical until after the release of Buster.

I don't think this has been mentionned yet:

The TC needs to be careful when outlining what is "release-critical" or not: 
AFAIK this is part of what's delegated to the Release Team [0]. So unless the 
Release Team defers that specific question to us, I'd recommend to only talk 
in terms of Policy vocabulary. That doesn't imply we cannot align our 
recommended timelines with Debian suite release dates, of course.

That said, specifically regarding Philip's text, the "should not" is only 
emitting a $6.1.5-style opinion towards the RT, which is probably fine.



[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/05/msg00008.html

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