
On Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 11:55:38AM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> Our monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 6pm UTC.
> The DPL has not yet officially responded to our nomination of Matthew.
> Our meeting are public though -- Matthew, can you plan to join us,
> please, if you are available at that time?
> We said we would have a Jitsi session with old and new committee
> members, to say farewell and hello.  But even if the DPL responds to the
> nomination before Tuesday, I don't think we can make a plan to have that
> Jitsi session.  So that'll have to wait until February.

Although the DPL has now appointed Matthew (thanks Jonathan), we haven't heard
from Matthew about his availability, so I'd like to stick to no Jitsi
tomorrow, and a Jitsi including gwolf and ntyni in February.

I will start the vote for the chair later today.

Sean Whitton

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