
A quick summary, because my memory is suspect at the best of times...

On 22/04/2023 20:36, Sam Hartman wrote:

Oh, excellent.
I was just considering formally asking the TC to extend the file move
moratorium to trixie.
I've seen a number of people recently proposing moving files in trixie
who do not appear to understand the issues, and so I think more TC
clarification on this issue is important.

Would a formal request help, or can the TC handle this internally?

This was advice (constitution 6.1.5) we issued in October 2021 apropos bug 994388[0]:

"- Please stop moving individual packages' files from the root filesystem into /usr, at least for now.", clarified in the lengthier text to mean that we expected this sort of move would become possible during the Debian 13 release cycle.

That advice expires once Debian 12 is released.

The release team position[1] is:

"* The TC resolution #994388[1] recommended a moratorium on moving
  files' canonical location from / into /usr. Until there's support in
  dpkg for merged /usr, we want this moratorium to remain in place,
  even after the bookworm release. Files moving their canonical
  location between / and /usr (details in [1]) *and* from one binary
  package to another binary package within one release cycle remain an
  RC issue unless dpkg supports it.

So we _could_ leave it to the RT's discretion as to when they think dpkg supports it enough to start allowing it, or we could extend our moratorium.



[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=994388#110
[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2022/07/msg00002.html

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