On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 11:04:10AM +0100, Andreas Fuchs wrote:

> > However, I would say that if the program dies so frequently that it needs a
> > wrapper like this, it should probably be fixed.
> tail -f of a logfile into a secured less. To search and scroll
> backwards, one must kill the tail, which then needs to be restarted.
> If less could be fixed such that it waits for both input streams with
> select(2), I think that problem could be solved.

Both input streams, meaning the pipe and the tty?  Why do you need to use tail,
anyhow?  less has a mode to select() and watch the end of a file, invoked with
the 'F' command.  I don't think that it's currently possible for less to
enter this mode with a command-line flag, but I've often wished that it did,
so maybe this feature should be added to less.

 - mdz

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