On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:59:42PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> >
> > I compile my own kernels, and have for a long time. But it's a pain to
> in that case, a far better solution is a package containing a bunch
> of pre-generated kernel .config files, plus a menu script to copy
> call it kernel-helper and make it depend on kernel-package.
> problem solved.

OK, this all seems very fun and all but wouldn't making the kernel
recompile an automatic process solve the whole kit'n'kabootle?

I haven't tried this but 

looks seriously promising, especially as I read somewhere that it may be
included into 2.5.x and future kernels

If this has been considered and discarded for reasons I don't know about
please disregard this message ;)
Frisco Rose             "By any other name, I would smell the same"
EOU Student             Physics Instructor      and Nice guy

Physics                 Mathematics             Computer Science

foo = [, quark., strange., charm., quasar., galaxy., \
        physics., cs[0-17]., scijou.]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       where 0 <= n < 10

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