Le Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 12:03:19PM +0200, Santiago Vila écrivait:
> Ooops! Sorry. The bug I refer is really #110980 (I happen to submit
> two i18n-related bugs the same day and confused them).
> The bug basically says "/etc/locale.gen should not be a conffile
> because most people will need to modify it" but Ben does not agree
> that people using locales is "most people".

I read the discussion, it's a shame. I usually don't like your critics
Santiago, howevere here you're right. Ben, it's a pity that we have to
prove to you that people *use* locales. It's so self-evident !

As for facts (not really up to date but anyway) :

debian-user : 2120 subscribers

sum of debian-{otherlanguage}: 3355

I have a counted the biggest list in each language (ie i have not added
debian-chinese, debian-chinese-big5 and debian-chinese-gb, i just used
the biggest figure from all three).

So there's at least more than 60% of our users who are non-english
and who use locales ... and this can only increase when Debian gets
more and more non-en friendly (ie more localized).

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
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