On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 04:03:05PM -0400, Loren Jordan wrote:
> I just want to pull a copy of these packages just like they sit in the 
> apt-get'able directory structure so I don't have to re-create the 
> Packages[.gz] files and such...
use apt-move, apt-proxy or demish (http://luon.net/~admar)

apt-move and demish are really mirror programs that rely on apt for
downloading of packages, while apt-proxy is 'just' a cache (you could
also try squid instead of apt-proxy).

/shamelessly promoting his own package
demish builds a mirror, containing only those packages (and optionally
their dependencies) that the maintainer wants, and thus gives him
(almost) full control over the size of the mirror. It is useful if you
have a fast internet connection at work/school and a laptop or a
cdwriter: just make a mirror on the laptop or cd, and update your
computers at home.
/end of commercial block



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