On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 08:47:02PM -0400, Individual . . wrote:

> I have subscribed to this list because I am nearing the end of my list 
> of possibilities.
> I am searching for a mailing list that will tolerate my simple c++ 
> questions.
> More specifically, I want to learn how to use libpng (a library for 
> creating PNG images), and have found the documentation rushed and 
> unclear on many topics. Maybe this is just my impression.

If I were in your place, the first thing that I would look for is a libpng
mailing list, not a Debian mailing list.


> If the general consensus is that simple questions about c++ might be 
> better answered elsewhere, then please be kind and tell me where, what 
> mailing list.

The general consensus is that simple questions about C++ might be better
answered elsewhere.

For starters, read the entire C++ FAQ-lite:


and if it doesn't answer your question:


 - mdz

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