[James Troup]
> On the 12th March I sent out a maintainer ping to 191 possibly
> inactive Debian developers.  The list of developers was generated by
> looking first at all maintainers who didn't have a source package
> signed by (one of) their key(s) in unstable and then excluding from
> that anyone who had been seen (with a signed message) by echelon in
> the last 6 months.

Very good to see some active work trying to detect missing
developers. :)

>  o 90 people didn't reply within the 2 month deadline[2].

If you haven't already done so, please send each of them them an email
telling them that their debian maintainer status is disabled.

I do not know how your first email was phrased, but some of them might
have put it aside and forgot to reply to it.  They should get an email
telling them about the consequenses, and that their debian maintainer
status is disabled because of this.

This would make sure they know what happened, if they still recieve
their email.

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