On Tue, 20 May 2003, Denis Barbier wrote:

> > i believe that it looks nicer keeping the layout coherent across
> > translation.
> But you do not explain why!

because it looks nicer and it is coherent with the original one. This was
always what i told along the thread. I tought it was clear ;)

> Translations are not displayed together with original text, so imposing
> a similar layout (I keep this term for simplicity even if I find it
> meaningless) does not make sense.

it will still be coherent. Even if i don't know the other language and i
see my description bumping from 10 lines to 100 i might suspect that
something is wrong. (exagerated example of course that will ring a bell in
my head).

> > > How do developers check how translations are rendered?
> >
> > sorry but i don't understand what you mean.
> [...]
> I am wondering how you checked that the Japanese translation did fit
> your aesthetic criterion.

Of course it is not possible to know everything about everything but
atleast one can try his/her best.


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