On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 06:04:33PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

 > Himself, for example? He already does work on that front, he's
 > certainly a trusted developer judging by the vote results (and
 > there's no such record for any other officers, mind you), and in fact
 > he said he helped James add some people already

 You mean you actually think James can even consider the possibility of
 handing the management of the keyring over?  Because that's actually
 the point.  It's not who's the DAM or who isn't.  The problem is who's
 the keymaster.  Unless things have radically changed while I was not
 looking, you might have an account on a Debian machine, which might
 enable you to do some more work than people without one.  But without a
 key in the keyring, you can't upload zilch.  And the person who's in
 charge of the keyring has to be as paranoid as James.  The other person
 in the project that comes to mind is Manoj.  And that's it.  I wouldn't
 trust Martin with such a responsability, and I don't care how many
 votes he got, trust is not something you win by election.  There's a
 number of people who I can imagine would get named for this task, but
 I've seen how these people handle ID checks, I don't even want to think
 how they would handle the Debian keyring.

 I might disagree with James' methods, but I can't honestly say he's
 doing this in bad faith.  I do wish he was a bit more talkative in
 this particular issue, though.


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