"Jaldhar H. Vyas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ok.  Lets leave aside for a moment the .debs which would go into contrib
> or non-free so would have to be built seperately.  What happens if
> webmin-squid has an RC bug?  As Goswin said, all the webmin-* packages
> will be held back from testing.  What happens if webmin-squid is ok but
> squid itself is not in testing?  (or is removed from testing.  This could
> happen if it has an RC bug at freeze time,)  Again all the webmin packages
> would be affected.  What if webmin-squid has one or two upstream bugfix
> releases in between major webmin versions?  Every other webmin module
> would also have to be rebuilt too even though nothing changed.
> What you are suggesting was the way things were done before 0.98 and it
> caused all sorts of annoyance for me and the users.  I'll make any changes
> necessary to be policy-compliant but I'm firm about the multiple-source
> package thing.

The only problem with that is the current failure to comply to policy,
i.e. build from source as they should.

But now that you have seen the light :) keep on working.


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