On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 11:39:35AM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> I am only realistic. When in history did a non-trivial software
> product meet its release schedule?
> I am surely hoping for the best, but I seriously do expect sarge to be
> released in early 2004. Which is a pretty good track record if we
> actually reach that.

Well, FreeBSD hits their 6-month release targets more often than they miss
them (yes, they do miss them sometimes, generally not by very far). True,
they've had practice at it; I don't expect the first attempt to be pretty.
I do expect that we could manage to match them, if it becomes a consistant
release goal to set a date and then hit it. :)

Even 'early 2004' is, frankly, not nearly enough time to ensure something
as large as KDE goes from 'stable' upstream release (assuming *they* make
a Dec 8th release) to 'bugs shaken out, stable enough to not need to turn
around and do an r1 release a few weeks later because it blows up on user
machines', for values of 'early 2004' that I would find most likely (to
wit, right *after* the holidays, since slipping too much would put us into
releasing during them; though the Debian Christmas Release would be mildly
entertaining :)
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        ,''`.
Debian GNU NetBSD/i386 porter                                        : :' :
                                                                     `. `'

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