On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 12:39:46PM +0100, Peter Busser wrote:
> > Why not volunteer to make the .deb, get a sponsor and get it uploaded
> > then?
> Good idea! Already did that in fact. So who do I send this new kernel-source
> .deb to?

You can use the mentors service to exchange your packages with your 
sponsor. All informations how to (d)upload your packages to the Mentors 
Server are explained on the homepage[0].

After uploading it to the Server you can seek for an sponsor using
debian-mentors@lists.debian.org, this one (debian-devel), or the phpBB
forum which is also aviable at the mentors homepage.

[0] http://mentors.debian.net    

    - michael

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