Scripsit sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> they may have released it under the GPL, but there's a strong case for
> arguing that they're in violation of their own licensing terms for not
> providing the source code to the firmware blobs.

The copyright holder cannot logically be in violation of his own
licensing terms. He does not need a license at all to distribute his
own work, thus there is nothing for *him* to violate.

Henning Makholm        "Jeg køber intet af Sulla, og selv om uordenen griber
                    planmæssigt om sig, så er vi endnu ikke nået dertil hvor
                   ordentlige mennesker kan tillade sig at stjæle slaver fra
 hinanden. Så er det ligegyldigt, hvor stærke, politiske modstandere vi er."

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