On Tuesday 07 Dec 2004 01:51, Stephen Gran wrote:

> I have to say, this is ridiculous.  Do I, living in the US or Europe,
> have to take into account the laws about sensuality (note, not sexuality,
> since these pictures barely qualify for that word) that mirror operators
> in Iran or Saudi Arabia have?  I can not and will not learn all the laws
> of every country on Earth, and the project can not survive if we have
> to meet all of them.  This whole thread is a waste of space looking for
> a problem.  If there is a demonstrable law being broken by a cartoon,
> then warn the mirror operator in the respective localities, if you're
> worried about it.

I'm sure they'll be super happy after being "warned". What do they *do* about 
it once they have been warned?

> If the package offends you, don't install it - it's not like it's a base
> package.  If you are seriously worried about legal repercussions, do the
> homework, and warn the people who could be affected.  We already
> distribute so many offensive things (purity, fortunes-off, kjv, kernel
> sources, etc.) that getting upset about pictures strikes me as silly.
> IANAL, so I have no idea of the difference between distributing foul
> language or sexual written content to minors and distributing naked

Not to point out the obvious, but "foul language" is dependant on the language 
you speak, so most countries are unlikely to be offended by the Linux kernel.

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