On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 08:12:50AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

 > I failed in ending this thread when I posted
 >       http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2004/12/msg00016.html
 > instead I caused two trolls making even more noise.

 Without having read your post, I'm pretty confident that you failed
 *because of* Godwin's Law.  It is a part of Godwin's Law that calling
 someone a Nazi (directly or by implication) with the sole purpose of
 ending a thread *does not* end it.
 It's a pitty that Godwin's Law has fallen in such a state of
 misunderstanding.  Using the word Nazi does not end a thread.  Talking
 about Nazi or National Sozialismus does not end a thread.  References
 to those concepts do not automatically end a thread.  Godwin's Law is
 about degradation in S/N: a thread will degrade to the point where it's
 only noise, and reaching this point it dies.  Now it's up to you to
 find out what 'noise' means in this particular case.

 > I hope all you people are aware that you are causing a new duelling
 > banjo case and helping out Google to connect Debian with hot-babes.

 Actually I don't find it that bad.  Between slowly fixing stuff in my
 packages and trying to catch up with several debian mailing lists, the
 hot-babe thread has proven rather amusing[0].  If two years from now
 some teen googles for "hot babe" and lands up on Debian's homepage, why
 is it bad?

 >   3. Go to debian-curiosity with mails which do not belong to
 >      debian-devel.

 debian-curiosa is neither a garbage dump nor a place where you can
 badmouth other people, as some folks seem to think, and the hot-babe
 thread really has no place there.


 [0] Completely OT: I find it rather hard to beleive that there are
     people who actually hold some of the opinions that I've read so
     far.  Currently the "Parlament" of my country is discussing the
     passing of a law which pushines several forms of abuse of women
     *by* men by not the same forms of abuse of men by women.  Ignoring
     the fact that existing law already refers to and punishes such
     actions *and* that it goes directly against our Constitution, this
     particular law has some people rather tickled, including myself: it
     is hard to beleive that at the dawn of the XXI century, there's
     still people out there who approach the "gender" problem in this
     way.  You just can't solve a gender problem by creating more

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