On Friday 10 December 2004 04:23 pm, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 10:22:08PM -0500, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> >   If you want to find alternatives for a virtual package, you can use 'd'
> > and 'r' to navigate the dependency lists.  It's not as convenient as
> > dselect, but it works.
> Well actually you can enter the package you dont want to have and see the
> package which requires  it. You can enter the package (all with enter)  and
> see the possible providers for a requirement and select one of it with +.

  That's true, but then you have to scroll past a lot of useless information; 
d/r (for Depends/Reverse Depends) will get you there quicker.

  Of course, bearing in mind that recent versions of aptitude (should) show 
the list of alternatives when you select the unwanted package, what would be 
really nice would be if you could Tab/mouse into the list and pick the 
alternative you want directly, the way you can in dselect...


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------\
|            "We've got nothing to fear but the stuff that we're            |
|             afraid of!" -- Fluble                                         |
\------------ Evil Overlord, Inc: http://www.eviloverlord.com --------------/

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