On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 18:46 -0500, William Ballard wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 12:32:50AM +0100, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
> >  No, you should use module-assistant tool, which is a high level tool
> If I have installed module-assistant and ndiswrapper-source and have
> not installed ndiswrapper-utils and install ndiswrapper-modules
> the modules-assistant way, what happens?
> Does it (a) break during install (b) tell me it won't install correctly
> or (c) download and install it for me?

(c) Download and install it for you.

Used it many a time to install nvidia stuff, being one of the particular
ones I do, do regularly. It grabs all the GL stuff and nvidia utils.

> >  Yup, it is called Debian Policy.
> Funny, the author of module-assistant just said there is no
> policy for 3rd policy modules.  He said there's some stuff,
> but not as categorically full stop as you said it.
> Funny, huh.

There is no policy for 3rd party. But, use the tools available and help
yourself alot. I resisted module-assistant until I used it. Took me 3
times to make sure I was actually seeing what I was seeing.

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